second semester senior
Ah finals, how I do not miss thee. This was officially my last week of finals. You can now proceed with the dancing in circles and cheering. There, done now? Good. Here's a bit of recap before I get to that tattoo story I promised and update my resolutions tracking.
My first final of the week was Mr. Melligan's AP US Government exam. I must first note that I have had this class during first period for the past semester and that my brain doesn't work all that well at 7:30am. Let's just say I was awake, but most of the information went in one ear and out the other. Naturally, I didn't learn much, which is horrible because I actually enjoy learning about government. The night before the test I realized I had two options: 1. Study like hell and try to actually learn the subject matter before attempting the test, or 2. Study lightly, hope for at least a passing grade on the test, and kick myself in the ass during AP Econ. I chose option two and bombed the final. Luckily I did just discover that I had been going in to the final with a B+ and not the C- I was expecting, so we'll see how everything turns out.
My fourth and fifth period finals were uneventful. Ms. Owen's AP Literature test was actually rather fun, which balanced out Ms. Turner's heinously dull AP Studio Art final, which included doing a minor presentation on an artist after reading about said artist fro a book and doing a misleading worksheet. I did manage to get my entire breadth portfolio turned in on time though, so in all it wasn't a bad day. The sixth and seventh period finals the next day were equally simple. Mr. Raffetto's Intro to Business exam literally cut and paste questions from our tests from over the semester, so that wasn't hard to pass at all. And Ms. Hall's Journalism midterm was actually run by myself and the other two senior editors, so that was ridiculously easy. We had everyone split in to groups and create fund raising ideas since we've pretty much hit bottom monetarily. Then we brainstormed for the upcoming issue for the remainder of the period. Ms. Duffy's AVID Seminar midterm on the final day of finals was simple as always, and Tamaki sensei's midterm really wasn't as hard as everyone suggested it was.
In all, the exams ended up not really stressing me out much at all, which was nice. But the greatest thing about this week was all the time I got to spend with friends. After finals on Wednesday, I biked over to the local Goodwill and made out like a bandit with stuff for steampunking. Em and Jessi joined me and we ended up hanging out afterward for a good half hour in the parking lot. Of course, when I went to bike home I discovered that I had picked up some dreaded goat's heads and now have to pay for a repair kit, but the day itself wasn't that bad. Even the discovery ended up being fine because it meant Em had to drive my bike home in her station wagon and I got to drink her iced coffee while my mum drove me home instead of walking. I then spent Thursday afternoon at Em's baking meringues, reading comics, listening to Taylor Swift and vaguely studying Japanese. And on Friday I had my senior superlative picture for Most Likely to Succeed followed by anime club and frozen yogurt with Julie. In all, this was a pretty fantastic week.
Alright, and now to what you've all been waiting for, or at least I hope so— the tattoo story. So last Sunday, a full week ago as of tomorrow, I drove up to San Francisco with my mum for a tattoo consultation at the Black and Blue Tatto. I've been planning the design for approximately eight years, but on the morning I was supposed to drive up to actually have my artist check it out, I could not find it anywhere. It had already been a hectic morning with me trying to get some workout time in despite the near-freezing temperatures, followed by a visit from my aunt, uncle, and younger cousin that seemed impromptu to me but had apparently been planned all week. After they left, I went to go get ready and find my tattoo design, and alas it was no where to be found. After scouring my room, I decided to grab an unfinished art piece that I had used the design in, flipped on the ol' lightbox and quickly transferred the design over. I was able to make it perfect just in time before my other aunt and uncle, this time the ones visiting from Santa Barbara, showed up.
As a side note, I decided to steampunk myself up a bit more than usual and my uncle spotted the goggles when I came downstairs and nearly went in to a fit of shock. The scene went something along the lines of:
Uncle Alan: (points to a pair of goggles gracing his niece's head) Are those... goggles? Are you in to steampunk?!
Geneva: (nods rapidly and grins) Yeah, I have been for a while now.
Uncle Alan: (smiles widely and hugs niece) I have to email you more often about everything I know about steampunk. Did you go to the convention in San Jose?
Geneva: Mhmm.
Uncle Alan: I almost went!
It was amusing, and one of the first times I would have ever classified my uncle as "cute." He was very excited though and it amused myself and my parents greatly. Now back to the story.
Midway through their visit I had to dash off with mum to the tattoo parlor and after a long journey involving taking side streets to avoid a car crash-related traffic jam on the 101 and turning the wrong way a few times, we finally made it. I went in by myself while mum went to find parking, and instantly I realized I had no idea where I was supposed to go. The front waiting room had a rather large black leather couch, but I didn't sit. Instead I watched as the shop owner chatted with a few customers and pet the small dog the couple had with them. After Idexa moved though, I was able to notice a small counter towards the back of the room, where I went and asked for Clio.
Clio Sady is the artist who I knew I had to get for my tattoo. I'd absolutely loved her portfolio on the site and she had sounded crazy enthusiastic on the phone, so I was beyond excited to actually meet her. I wasn't disappointed either. We talked for a few minutes about the tattoo design, and then decided that I would come back around five to get it done. Considering that I hadn't been planning on getting the tattoo at all that day, I never really had time to be nervous, and I think that was the best way to do it. My mum and I ended up checking out the San Francisco State campus while we waited from 12:30-ish and then went out to lunch. Clio then called at around 3:00 to say she would be free an hour earlier than she expected, so we finished up our food, drove back to San Francisco, and in I went.
The tattoo itself didn't really hurt as bad as I expected it to. The way I've been explaining it to people who ask, is that it's like getting a shot from the doctor— that sharp pinch when the needle first pierces the skin— only repeated again and again and again until it's really more of a burning sensation. It really wasn't that bad at all. Certainly not enjoyable, but nothing that would deter me from getting more work done. While working on the tattoo, Clio, my mum and I chatted about college, my paper on the Social Comparison of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Pansexuals and all other "Queer Folk" from the Bay Area to Around the World, and life in general. It was a fun, relaxed atmosphere, and I fully intend to return. For anyone else interested in learning more about Black and Blue, visit The Black and Blue Tattoo website
As to my resolutions, let's just say that haven't been as resolute as I would have hoped. Updates are as followed:
1. Nail nibbling has continued, though I'll admit to not making much of an effort. Today I will make an effort to paint them, that tends to help.
2. This working out thing is just not working out, haha. Finals were my excuse this week, and I will try not to make any excuses at all next week. I have a goal now too, to get back down to between 115 and 120, and be able to run five miles without stopping, see my abs again, and do one pull up. Eating right, working out, here I come.
3. Job search has yielded no results. I'm going to be out searching today though, so hopefully...
4. License, also a bust because I haven't found a job. The agreement is that if I can pay half of the insurance, I can get a license. As for driving practice, I could also have done better.
5. I've pretty much settled on SFSU, now I'm just waiting to here back from everywhere else. I decided not to apply to any private schools though.
And that's about it. There may be a post later, but don't expect one. Until next time!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
anime club,
black and blue tattoo,
clio sady,
san francisco,
senior year,
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